Here's a “control package”...

... done for Kiplinger’s in 1999. Which means it was tested against a handful of other packages—each done by one of the top names in financial direct response—and pulled the best results.

This package went to professional tax advisors to inform them of complicated changes in the Federal tax code... and the clarity that would be theirs with a subscription to The Kiplinger Tax Letter.

Through the years, we’ve done lots of B2B work that’s advised advisors. In fact, our facility with complicated learning curves is likely the biggest difference you’ll see between A Red Penguin and every other small business firm you’ll find.

Next Sample: Direct Mail for Prince George’s NB
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Marketing Communications

10363 Barcan Cir
Columbia, MD 21044

© 2022 by A Red Penguin

Your small/medium-sized
business is “distinct by instinct.”
Make the most of your
team’s intrinsic appeal.
Show your strengths and
keep growing stronger.
Brand your business
at its most appreciated.